Maria Elisa Burgos Pereira da Silva Cevasco

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Area: English Language and Literary Studies

Operational Situation: Active

Accredited to Supervise: Master and Doctorate

Office: Room 30 | Office telephone: (55)(11) 3091-5052





Graduated in Portuguese/English from the University of São Paulo (1975), Master in English Language and Literary Studies from the University of São Paulo (1985) and PhD in English Language and Literary Studies from the University of São Paulo (1989). Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the University of São Paulo. She has experience in the Language and Literature field, with emphasis on English Literature, operating mainly on the following themes: culture studies, Frederic Jameson, culture and society, Raymond Williams and materialist theory.



Some publications​​​​​​​

CEVASCO, M. E. B. P. S. . Archaeologies of the Future: Western Marxism Revisits Utopia. Situations, v. II, p. 120-127, 2007. [pdf]

CEVASCO, M. E. B. P. S. . Estudos culturais. Resistência à teoria. Maria Elisa Cevasco expõe diferenças na abordagem atual da crítica brasileira. (Artigo de Rachel Esteves Lima sobre o lançamento do livro "Dez Lições sobre Estudos da Cultura", de Maria Elisa Cevasco) [link]

CEVASCO, M. E. B. P. S. . Cultura como meio de transformação social. [link]

Vídeo conferência da Prof.ª Drª. Maria Elisa Cevascos na abertura do Holberg Prize Symposium 2008. Acesse a página e clique no título: Cultural Criticism: A Political Issue​​​​​​​