Luciana Carvalho Fonseca

Luciana Carvalho Fonseca

Area: English Language and Literary Studies

Operational Situation: Active

Accredited to Supervise: Master

Office: Room 14 | Office telephone: (55)(11) 3091-2929


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Assistant Professor in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of São Paulo. She has experience in the fields of Higher Education, Linguistics, Translation and Law, with emphasis in legal language, Discourse Critical Analysis and Corpus Linguistics. She established and acted as Executive Director of TradJuris – Law, Language & Culture from 2007 to 2018. Acted as visiting scholar (2016) and Advisor Professor in Translation and Corpora lines of research (from 2017 to 2018) in the Postgraduate Program of Translation (TRADUSP) at FFLCH/USP (2016). Author of the books “Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia” (“Legal English: Translation and Terminology”) (2014) e “’Eu não quero outra cesárea’: ideologia, relações de poder e empoderamento feminino nos relatos de parto após cesárea” (“’I don’t want another C-section’: ideology, power relations and female empowerement in birth-after-c-section stories) (2015). She is a professor at the Postgraduate Programs in Foreign Languages and Translation (LETRA) and English Language and Literary Studies at the Department of Modern Languages, FFLCH, USP, with research projects in the field of Translation and Power. Main interests: translation and feminism, translation historiography, female translators from the 19th century, language politics and academic writing in gender relations. She is coordinator of the English area of the Interdepartmental Language Center (CIL) from FFLCH-USP and Pedagogical Coordinator of Aucani Languages (Aucani/USP).​​​​​​​