Area: English Language and Literary Studies
Operational Situation: Retired and active in the Postgraduation
Accredited to Supervise: Master and Doctorate
Office: Room 32 | Office telephone: (55)(11)3091-5052
Professor Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza operates within the fields of Applied Linguistics and Post-Colonial and Decolonial Theories and Analysis. His researches focus on language policies, literacy, decolonial theories and practices and teachers’ education. His publications focus on his researches’ themes with special emphasis on the Global South contexts.
Some publications
Glocal Languages and Critical Intercultural Awareness: The South Answers Back (Routledge 2019)
‘Theorizing the South(s)’ in Language in the South (EDUEL 2019)
‘Decolonial Pedagogies, Multilingualism and Literacies’ in Multilingual Margins vol.6 (2019)
Postcolonial Perspectives on Global Citizenship Education (Routledge 2011)
‘Educação Linguística: repensando os conceitos de língua e linguagem’ in Ferraz, D. & Kawachi, C. 2019 Bate-papo com educadores linguísticos: letramentos, formação docente e criticidade