Daniel de Mello Ferraz


Daniel de Mello Ferraz

Area: English Language and Literary Studies

Operational Situation: Active

Accredited to Supervise: Master and Doctorate

Line of research: Language, education and society

Office: Room 32 Office telephone: (11) 3091-5052

E-mail: danielfe@usp.br

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Daniel Ferraz is postdoc in Languages and Literature from the University of São Paulo, with researches about gender, sexuality and language education. PhD in English from the University of São Paulo, with researches about new literacies, new technologies and critical English teaching and Master in English from the same institution, with research about Visual Literacy. He was a researcher, with a Sandwich scholarship by CAPES, at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He is a professor in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of São Paulo and professor at the Postgraduate program in English Language and Literary Studies (PPGELLI) from FFLCH-USP. He coordinates GEELLE (Language Education in Foreign Languages Study Group – USP).



Some publications​​​​​​​

FERRAZ, D. M. English (mis)education as an alternative to challenge English hegemony: a geopolitical debate In: Glocal languages and Intercultural Awareness: The South answers back.1 ed.New York and London : Routledge, 2019.

FERRAZ, D. M.; KAWACHI-FURLAN, C. J. Bate-Papo com educadores linguísticos: letramentos, formação docente e criticidade. São Paulo: Pimenta Cultural, 2019.

FERRAZ, D. M.; MIZAN, S. Visual culture through the looking glass: vision and re-vision of representation through genealogy and cultural translation. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, UNICAMP, 2019, forthcoming.

DUBOC, A. P.; FERRAZ, D. M. Reading Ourselves: Placing Critical Literacies in Contemporary Language EducationRevista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, v.18, p.227 - 254, 2018.

FERRAZ, D. M.; KAWACHI-FURLAN, C. J. Educação linguística em línguas estrangeiras. Campinas-SP: Pontes Editores, 2018.

FERRAZ, D. M. Multiletramentos: Epistemologias, ontologias ou pedagogias? Ou tudo isso ao mesmo tempo?. In Multimodalidade e ensino: múltiplas perspectivas. ClariceLage Gualberto, Sônia Maria de Oliveira Pimenta, ZáiraBomfante dos Santos - organizadoras. São Paulo:Pimenta Cultural, 2018.

FERRAZ, D.M. Should gender and sexuality be studied in language education? Revista Trama, 2016.

FERRAZ, D.M. Visibilidade LGBTQIA+ e educação linguística: por entre os discursos de ódio, aceitação e respeito. Revista X, 2019.