The Semana do Romance Gótico (Gothic Novel Week) is an anual event organized by the Laboratory for the Study of the Novel (LERo) in the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). In october, professors, scholars, graduate and post-graduate students, writers and others interested in Gothic Literature reunited of three afternoons of seminars, comunications and literary encounters.
Its first edition happenned in 2019 and included the presence of scholars from different Brazilian universities. Besides also having received the more than special presences of the writers André Vianco (author of Os Sete), Cláudia Lemes (author of Eu Vejo Kate) and Cid Ferreira (editor from Clepsidra)
You can watch some of the presentations on YouTube!
Organized by: Prof. Dr. Sandra Guardini Teixeira Vasconcelos
Fernando Moreira Bufalari
Jéssica Louise Werner
Rafaella Gobbo
Raphael Valim da Mota Silva