2º TREMA - Mulheres, tradução e mercado editorial [Women, translation and the publishing market]


The Latin Americca Memorial hosted, between December 14th and 16th, the second edition of TREMA - Women, translation and the publishing market, promoted in partnership with FFLCH-USP (Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences), within the activities programming of the UNESCO Memorial Chair for Latin America Integration.

With the theme "Latin American and Translation", the event's proposak was to promote the debate and reflection between translators, publishers, writers and other professionals from the publishing market, considering the reducing the gender gap in the various crafts related to the practice of book production in Latin America.



Organization Comitee
Luciana Carvalho Fonseca (USP/Memorial da América Latina)
Luciana Latarini Ginezi (Memorial da América Latina)
Marina Waquil (USP)
Jamille Pinheiro Dias (Universidade de Manchester)
Sheyla Miranda (USP)
Maria Teresa Mhereb (USP)


More information, including the programming: https://memorial.org.br/memorial-da-america-latina-recebe-2a-edicao-do-trema-mulheres-traducao-e-mercado-editorial/