Sandra Guardini Teixeira Vasconcelos


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Area: English Language and Literary Studies

Operational Situation: Retired and active in the Postgraduation

Accredited to Supervise: Master and Doctorate

Office: Room 27 | Office telephone: (55)(11)3091-5051


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Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos is a Full Professor of English-language Literatures at the University of São Paulo. She is graduated in Portuguese-English Languages and Literature from the University of São Paulo, Master and PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of São Paulo and postdoc from Cambridge University (FAPESP Scholarship) and from Manchester University (CAPES Scholarship). She was a visiting researcher at Oxford University’s Centre for Brazilian Studies. Author of “Puras misturas” (“Pure mixtures”) (HUCITEC; FAPESP, 1997), “Dez lições sobre o romance inglês do século XVIII” (“Ten Lessons on the 18th century English novel”) (Boitempo, 2002) and “A formação do romance inglês: ensaios teóricos” (“English novel’s formation: theoretical essays”) (HUCITEC; FAPESP, 2007), which was awarded the Jabuti Award in 2008 in the Literary Theory/Criticism category. She has experience in the Modern Languages field, with emphasis on Comparative Literature, operating mainly on the following themes: English novel, England-Brazil relations in the 19th century, Brazilian novel, Guimarães Rosa. She has participated in FAPESP’s Thematic Projects “Trails of the novel in Brazil: 18th and 19th centuries” (2004-2007) and “Transatlantic circulation of printed materials: globalization of culture in the 19th century” (2011-2015); she coordinated the project “Displacements, decentralizations: novels without borders” (AP-R/SPRINT-FAPESP), developed with researchers from the Warwick University. Currently, she coordinates the Novel Studies Laboratory (LERo) and “The Global Novel” project, alongside professors from the University of Surrey. She is curator of João Guimarães Rosa Fund (IEB-USP) and she is a CNPq’s researcher level 1A.



Some publications


Migratory Literary Forms: British novels in nineteenth-century Brazil. In: Books and Periodicals in Brazil 1768-1930, A Transatlantic Perspective. Ana Claudia Suriani da Silva & Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos (ed.). Oxford: Legenda, 2014, p. 68-86. (ISBN  978-1-909662-32-2).

Tropical Gothic: José de Alencar and the Foundation of the Brazilian Novel. In: Edwards, Justin D. & Vasconcelos, Sandra Guardini (ed.). Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture: the AmericasNew York; Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, p. 198-217.

Circuitos e travessias: o caso de A Família Elliot. In: Abreu, Márcia (org.). Romances em movimento. A circulação transatlântica dos impressos (1789-1914). Campinas, SP: Editora da Unicamp, 2016, p. 135-157.   

O romance naturalista na Inglaterra. In: Guinsburg, J. & Faria, João Roberto (orgs.). O Naturalismo. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2017, p. 229-247.

Circuits and Crossings: The case of A Família ElliotIn: Abreu, Márcia (ed.). The Transatlantic Circulation of Novels Between Europe and Brazil, 1789-1914London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 125-144.

Machado de Assis’s nightmarish world: displacements of the Gothic in Brazil. In: Casanova-Vizcaíno, Sandra and Ordiz, Inés (ed.). Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. New York and London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 57-70.

Rosa, leitor de Machado. In: Guimarães, Hélio de Seixas; Senna, Marta de (org.) Machado de Assis: permanências. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa; 7 Letras, 2018, p. 290-304.

As vertentes do viver”: forma e processo social em Grande sertão: veredas. In: Passos, Cleusa Rios P.; Rosenbaum, Yudith; Vasconcelos, Sandra Guardini (org.). Infinitamente Rosa: 60 anos de Corpo de baile e de Grande sertão: Veredas. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2018, p. 237-252.

True Lies”. In: Galle, Helmut P.E.; Perez, Juliana P.; Pereira, Valéria S. (org.)  Ficcionalidade. Uma prática cultural e seus contextos. São Paulo: FFLCH/USP; FAPESP, 2018, p. 111-124.  ISBN: 978-85-7506-342-2. 418 p. ISBN 978-857506-341-5. DOI: 10.11606/978-85506-341-5.​​​​​​​



O doce gume da ironia em Machado de Assis e Jane AustenMachado de Assis em linha, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7, n. 14, p. 145-162, dezembro 2014. DOI: 10.1590/S198368212014000200010

Déplacements, décentrages: le roman en transit. Brésil(s): sciences humaines et sociales, n. 7, mai 2015, p. 125-146. Traduction de  David Yann Chaigne. Brésil(s) [En ligne], 7 | 2015, mis en ligne le 26 mai 2015.

Antonio Candido et la France. Brésil(s): sciences humaines et sociales, n. 12, 2017, p. 1-5Traduction de  David Yann Chaigne. Brésil(s) [En ligne], 12 | 2017, mis en ligne le 29 novembre 2017. ISBN 978-2-7351-2065-9

A pena da galhofa e tinta da melancolia em Sentimental JourneyLiteratura e Sociedade. Dossiê “Gêneros Literários no longo século XVIII”, n. 25, julho-dezembro 2017, p. 106-116.

Movimentos de um crítico: Antonio Candido e a tradição anglo-americana. Revista USP. Dossiê 100 Anos de Antonio Candido, n. 18, julho-agosto-setembro 2018, p. 89-104. ISSN 0103-9989.

Philip Pirrip: as grandes e as perdidas ilusões. Literatura e Sociedade. Dossiê Romance de Formação Caminhos e Descaminhos do Herói, v. 23, n. 28, julho-dezembro 2018, p. 83-101.