Questions of Literatures in English Language

In 2020, prof. John Milton organized the webinars "Questions of Liteartures in English Language", broadcasted by USP FFLCH's YouTube channel. This series included 5 episodes and, in each, there was the participation of PPGELLI professors or scholars from different places in Brazil.

Below, the lectures' videos:



"Por que D. H. Lawrence deixou de ser um autor canônico?" ["Why D. H. Lawrence is no longer a canonical author?"]

Date: 27/august/2020

Debaters: John Milton (USP), Patrícia Freitas (PPGELLI Doctorate student), Thiago Rhys Bezerra Cass (USP), Mayumi Denise Segoi Ilari (USP).

Mediation: Daniel Lago Monteiro (USP/UNESP)


"Houve um romantismo inglês?" ["Was there an English Romanticism?"]

Date: 24/september/2020

Debaters: Paulo Ravieri (USP Doctorate student), Daniel Lago Monteiro (post-doc Unicamp/Fapesp).

Mediation: John Milton (USP).​​​


"Cancelarão V. S. Naipul?" ["Will they cancel V. S. Naipul?"]

Date: 29/october/2020

Debaters: Lynn Mario Menezes de Souza (USP), Mariana Bolfarine (UFR), Roberto Bezerra da Silva (UFRJ).

Mediation: Thiago Rhys Bezerra Cass.


"É infinito o Shakespeare?" ["Is Shakespeare infinite?"]

Data: 26/november/2020

Debaters: Lawrence Flores Pereira (UFSM), Régis Bars Closel (UFSM) e Roberto Rocha (UFRJ).

Mediation: Daniel Lago Monteiro (USP & UNESP).


"Charles Dickens inventou o Natal?" ["Did Charles Dickens invented Christmas?"]

Date: 17/dezembro/2020

Debaters: Nilce M. Pereira (IBILCE-UNESP, São José do Rio Preto), Daniel Puglia (FFLCH-USP), e Solange Pinheiro (Doutoranda FFLCH-USP).