Leland Emerson McCleary

Leland Emerson McCleary

Area: English Language and Literary Studies

Operational Situation: Retired and active in the Postgraduation

Accredited to Supervise: Master and Doctorate

Office: Room 29 | Office telephone: (55)(11)30915051

E-mail: mccleary@usp.br




Professor McCleary graduated in English – Southwestern University (1967), Master in English as Second Language Teaching – University of California, Los Angeles (1982) and PhD in Linguistics from the University of São Paulo (1996). He is a professor at the University of São Paulo since 1989, acting in the English course. In the last year, he has specialized in Interactional and Cognitive Linguistics, with researches and publications in the fields of sociolinguistics and bilingual education, deaf education, sign languages description and gestures in oral language.